JUST PUBLISHED: The Hidden Costs of Legacy SOAR


Automated Security Alert Triage Across Your SOC

Turn the Noise Down and Confidence Up

Reduce Alert-Handling Costs by 90% or More

Address overwhelming alert volumes by normalizing, de-duplicating, enriching, and correlating immediately upon ingestion.
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Turn Low-Fidelity Alerts into High-Fidelity Incidents

Eliminate 98% of false positives, duplicates, and other noise, so your team can focus more time on real incidents.
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Build the Perfect Pipeline for Your Needs

Easily implement and customize the Event Pipeline to your tools, data sources, and priorities, all with the support of our expert team.
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Achieve full coverage of alerts

Reduce burnout

Increase SOC efficiency

Create fully contextualized incident records

Confidently dismiss benign alerts

Group related alerts for efficient handling

Unlimited integrations

Fully scalable and flexible

Optimize your solution

the smart soar approach

A Pipeline to Help SecOps Teams Triage Alerts Faster

Create a Single Source of Truth

Leave no Stone Unturned

Find the Value in your Security Data

Entirely Automated Alert-Handling

No More Noise!

Automatic Normalization

how it works

One Security Alert Pipeline for Your Entire Stack

Hundreds of Premium Integrations

Fully featured and vendor-agnostic, Smart SOAR’s integrations can be launched and operating in seconds, with minimal time or effort required for setup and maintenance.

Process every alert

Activate Your Data

Develop High-Fidelity Incidents

Scale Your Operations

Learn More About the Event Pipeline

Get Started with D3