Jira + D3 Smart SOAR

Collaborate Seamlessly Across IT and Security Teams

Escalate important security tasks

Collaborate seamlessly

Automate incident response

Get the D3 Integrations Guide

Benefits and Capabilities

Flowchart depicting the integration process between Jira and D3 Security's Smart SOAR

Use CAse

Ticket Escalation
  • Improve investigations while preserving existing IT and SOC procedures
  • Perform further enrichment through Smart SOAR’s integrated intelligence sources
  • Bring automated playbooks to IT tickets

Use Case

 Inter-Team Orchestration
  • SOC teams can place requests directly into the IT team’s queue, 
  • Perform faster coordinated actions across the organization without miscommunication
  • Improve efficiency to keep up with threats

Jira Integration: Summary

Key Details
Escalate tickets for automated response
Developed and maintained by D3
Drag integration into visual playbooks
Test integration from playbook
Orchestrated cross-team collaboration

Integrations Done the Right Way

An unlimited number of pre-built integrations, expertly maintained by the largest technical team in security automation. Thoroughly researched, tested and built—and delivered for free. Always.